UpToDate is now available free of charge at Kenyatta University thanks to a partnership with Better Evidence! UpToDate is the premier clinical decision support tool authored by 7,100 world-renowned physicians who synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations.
UpToDate can be accessed by computer, as well as phone or tablet through the mobile app and be accessed offline once downloaded.
Visit www.uptodate.com/online to register for an account while connected to the Kenyatta University’s internet network. Find out more Here: http://vid.uptodate.com/watch/hkY5oQNMzbvGqyKPvuaGGa?
Registration to access e-resources https://library.ku.ac.ke/?p=3678
Registration to UpToDate https://library.ku.ac.ke/?p=3675
To access UpToDate
- Register to access e-resources https://elibraryku.remotexs.co/user/register
- Login through the e-resources link
- Scroll to UpToDate Resources Link
- Register and create an account on the UpToDate platform http://www.uptodate.com.elibraryku.remotexs.co/login-register