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UpToDate physician-authored support resource

UpToDate is now available free of charge at Kenyatta University thanks to a partnership with Better Evidence! UpToDate is the premier clinical decision support tool authored by 7,100 world-renowned physicians who synthesize the most recent medical information into trusted, evidence-based recommendations.

UpToDate can be accessed by computer, as well as phone or tablet through the mobile app and be accessed offline once downloaded.

Visit to register for an account while connected to the Kenyatta University’s internet network. Find out more Here:

Registration  to access e-resources

Registration to UpToDate

To access UpToDate

  1. Register to access e-resources
  2. Login through the e-resources link
  3. Scroll to UpToDate Resources Link
  4. Register and create an account on the UpToDate platform
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