Ketraco and KU have partnered to support a major research conference slated for October this year. The Kenyatta University Biennial Research and Innovation Conference (KUBRIC) will be held in October 2019 and Ketraco has donated Ksh1M towards the conference. In addition, Ketraco donated Ksh1M for the establishment of a new scholarship fund.
Dubbed KETRACO Scholarship for Orphans & Vulnerable Students (KSOVS), the initiative will see KETRACO give Kshs. 1 million worth of scholarship to educate two female orphaned and vulnerable students in the Electrical or Civil Engineering faculty for five years.
During the ceremony yesterday for the signing of the MOU and award of the cheaques by Ketraco CEO Mr. Fernandes Barasa, both initiatives were hailed as attempting to bridge the engineering skills gap in the country. The KUBRIC conference slated for October 22-25th has its theme as "Research and Innovation for the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and Kenya’s Big Four Agenda" and is expected to attract participants from all over the world.
Ketraco CEO Mr. Barasa said: "The overall objective of the MoU we are signing today is to jointly develop mutual collaboration in various areas including areas of Research that touches on electricity transmission, Support equity, access and excellence in higher education through scholarships and Participate in joint research projects in areas of common concern as pertains to electricity transmission”.
The partnership will include exchange of information and documentation, participation in jointly organized conferences and workshop meetings including engagement with other collaborators and offer students attachment and internship opportunities to graduate students whose research interest is aligned to those of KETRACO.
Kenyatta University Vice Chancellor Prof. Paul Wainaina hailed the partnership as an example of what can be achieved between Universities and private sector collaboration. He particularly singled out the area of research where Universities need help in terms of capacity building to achieve effective results.
“The mission of the University is to provide quality higher education and training, promote scholarship, service, innovation and creativity and inculcate moral values for sustainable individual and societal development,” Prof. Wainaina said.
During the ceremony, Nation Media Group announced they would partner with KU as a media sponsor to ensure publicity and dissemination of conference material to its readers. NMG Editor for partnerships and project management Mr. David Aduda said they will work with KU to ensure the conference is amplified on all its various platforms.
Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Paul K. Wainaina and KETRACO CEO Mr. Fernandes Barasa exchange partnership documents following the signing ceremony. KETRACO will support the Kenyatta University Biennial Research and Innovation Conference slated for October as well as donate another Kshs. 1 million worth of scholarships to educate two female orphaned and vulnerable students in the Electrical or Civil Engineering faculty for five years.
Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Paul K. Wainaina receives a gift from KETRACO CEO Mr. Fernandes Barasa following a partnership signing ceremony. KETRACO will support the Kenyatta University Biennial Research and Innovation Conference slated for October as well as donate another Kshs. 1 million worth of scholarships to educate two female orphaned and vulnerable students in the Electrical or Civil Engineering faculty for five years. On the left is KETRACO Strategy and Planning Manager Mr. Godfrey kariuki.