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KU staff members follow the Vice Chancellors address on Friday August 24th. The VC announced the KU hospital opening is almost complete.



Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Paul Wainaina interacts with members of staff after delivering the Vice-Chancellor's address to KU staff at the ampitheartre on Friday August 24th 2018



President Uhuru Kenyatta presenting  the 'Professor Collette Suda Trophy' won by Kenyatta University to Dr. Isaiah Oyugi, Chairman Department of Music and Dance for Best Overall Public University during the  Winners concert at State Lodge Sagana yesterday. Looking on (center) is PS for state department of University Education and research Prof. Collette Suda.

Kenyatta university choir continued its dominance of the Kenya Music festival in the University category winning for best overall University for the 9th year running. KU won in 29 of about 55 items entered in the festivals and was presented with the winners trophy by President Uhuru Kenyatta during the Sagana State Lodge awards.

KU choir competed against 9 other universities in all categories. In the arrangement s of existing songs, the choir won in the male, female and mixed categories.  In the zilizopendwa category, the choir emerged top with each category attaining over 90 marks.

Ku also won in the in the composition category, standard choir and in advanced choir category. The advanced composition earned the KU choir the highest mark in the festival (95marks).

In total, the KU choir had 29 first positions, 11 2nd positions and three third positions, an exemplary performance which was a continuation of the University dominance and win following last year’s festival.

The KU choir Director Dr. Isaiah Oyugi who received the trophy from the President attributed the victory to hard work and dedication by the KU team. “The University led by the VC Prof. Wainaina has given us tremendous support during the entire process and enabled us to savor this success.” He said.

Dr. Oyugi revealed that the entire music festival team is planning to host a public concert in the new academic year beginning next month to showcase the trophies and items won during KMF 2018.

Kenyatta University hosted a week-long training program on international health informatics. Health informatics is the science of health information which is greatly enhanced by the information communication technologies. The program is tailored to meet the skills-gap challenge for low-and middle-income countries and attracted participants from South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya and Switzerland.

The course has been collaboratively developed by five universities under the secretariat of the USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation project based at the University of North Carolina, USA. Other universities in this collaboration include University of Ghana, University of Pretoria, Addis Continental Institute of Public Health and Public Health Foundation of India.

Kenyatta University Vice-Chancellor Prof. Paul Wainaina opened the workshop and emphasized the need to prioritize the capacity for health professionals to effectively employ digital tools in their work. Prof. Wainaina added that Kenyatta University acknowledges the fundamental role of technology in all sectors.

Some of the skills taught in the program include how to use technology to link patients in remote areas with health specialists in well-endowed cities and countries, thereby providing high quality and affordable care.  The program also lays emphasis on the need to integrate data management systems that are currently disjointed, thereby denying health managers and policy makers’ comprehensive datasets to use for planning health programs.

MEASURE Evaluation project plans to make this course freely available online for interested health and information technology professionals to learn and upgrade their skills.

Kenyatta University’s role in healthcare education includes programs catering for health professionals and the soon to be opened referral hospital which comes complete with a cancer treatment center. Kenyatta University and General Electric (GE) have partnered to build a complete Molecular Imaging Center (MIC), the third such center in Africa after South Africa and Egypt.
When opened, the hospital will
provide care in all the requisite cancer care areas of prevention, screening, early and accurate diagnosis, treatment, survivorship and supportive care.

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Prof. Ephantus Kabiru, Dean School of Public Healthdelivers his remarks during the Workshop on Health Informatics for low and middle income Countries held at the Kenyatta University Conference Centre last week. To the extreme right is Prof. Paul K. Wainaina, Vice Chancellor, Kenyatta University


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